During this recent pandemic, we’ve spent a lot of our time at home. For many, this experience has helped us to realise how important it is for us to live somewhere we can thrive. If you’re looking for that extra push, that extra encouragement and motivation to create a place meant for you, take a look at these 3 reasons you should choose a new build.

1. It’s a New Build!
Before you write this point off as redundant, genuinely consider the advantages of building a new home. For one, your house will be built with new materials, meaning it will require less maintenance. Also, experienced contractors have developed more modern building techniques, giving the homes they create a generally superior layout to those built in previous decades.
Another plus is you can go for a more energy-efficient approach. This can save you a great deal on utility costs over time. Existing homes tend to lack proper insulation as many were built when utility bills weren’t as high as they are now. In this day and age, saving as much as you can in utilities and energy usage is a must.
In many cases, you can also apply for a VAT refund on building materials and services when building a new home which can be significant for those with a tighter budget.
Another great thing about building a new build is you break the property chain. Property chains tend to get complicated due to the number of people involved and their dependency on the successful transaction of the person behind them. Because your new build has no previous owner, the chain ends with you.
2. Customisation
When Building a new house, you have the freedom and flexibility to create something unique to you. Often when buying an existing home, you have to make many compromises just to get something close to what you want that is within your price range and in an ideal location. Maybe there aren’t enough bathrooms, there is a frustrating lack of electrical sockets or the layout of the building is driving you round the bend.
With a new build, you get to bring to life what you really want and really need. Break away from the generic and mainstream designs prominent in commercially produced homes today.
You can really have fun here. Consider creating a Pinterest board and go on the hunt for innovative designs or anything that catches your fancy. Keep an eye open when you’re out and about in addition to doing research on what is reasonable for your area and budget.
For many, seeing your dream home come to life is one of the most fulfilling experiences you can have.
3. Options
We all love putting our personal touch into our living spaces, though some of us prefer to be more or less involved in this process. Good thing the level of involvement you have in your new build project is entirely up to you. Whether you self-manage, use a project manager or appoint a turnkey builder, there are many routes to building the house of your dreams.
Truth be told, many of us just don’t have the time, resources, or energy to devote to a new build. Fortunately, there are plenty of turnkey contractors who have the experience and communication skills to bring your dream to life. Design and build services can provide you with the complete custom home package. They can handle the more stressful procedures such as applying for planning permission and purchasing the necessary materials and tools as well as hiring labour and finding land. Although this option takes some of the control out of your hands, it is often worth the amount of stress it frees you from. If you would like to learn more about the different levels of involvement you can have in a new build, we suggest you read this article What’s the difference between self-build vs custom build?
Well, what do you think? Does building your own new home sound like an appealing adventure? Do you think it’s a dream within your reach? We can see that there are some significant reasons why taking on a new build project is a good idea and there are many other advantages that we weren’t able to cover in this article.
It’s always a good idea to talk to others who have made the decision to build a new home for themselves as well as with experienced contractors who can help you decide whether this project is right for you and your budget. You may also wish to take a look at our other article Top 5 challenges of a new build to get a complete idea of what it involves to undertake a new build.
Turnkey Building Contractors is an expert in new builds and we help you right from the design, all the way to completion to create your perfect new build.